a conversation between two faces of the same coin
- title: Caristmático
- album: Anoche
- artist: Babasónicos
- character(s): Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat 1; Emilio (my own original character)
- publication date: 7/3/25 [dd/mm/yy]
i thought i saw two clowns
with scared faces, closing the shop
pretend [*], they have their costumes on
they are going to the circus to get the camels
they look a bit spooked
[straight] out from a painting that is about to fade
pretend, they are very sweaty
they carry a bucket with confetti
i have to learn to pretend more [could also be "to fake more"], and to not show what i feel
i have to learn to pretend more, and to pilot [*] what i think
i try to reach a door
and i hear a swarm of flies whistling
pretend, they are buzzing my name
we have to leave and i dont know how [*]
i have to learn to pretend more, and to not show what i feel
i have to learn to pretend more, and to pilot [*] what i think
[theres a secret second chorus that plays over the first one, i will add it by puting between parenthesis]
(some nights im easy)
(i dont abide by limits [*])
i have to learn to pretend more, and to not show what i feel
i have to learn to pretend more, and to pilot what i think
[repeats twice]
(some nights im easy)
(i dont abide by limits)
i have to learn to pretend more
[repeats twice]
(some nights im easy)
(i dont abide by limits)
[repeats twice]
i have to learn to pretend more, and to pilot what i think
translation notes:
- the use of the word "pretend" (or in the original lyrics, "disimulá") is a way of saying something along the lines of "pretend you didnt see/hear it" or "pretend it doesnt affect you"
- the verb "to pilot" ("pilotear" in spanish) is used to mean something like "to manage/stabilize the situation" in the way a pilot would stabilize a plane when going through turbulences
- the original lyrics do not actually say "we have to leave and i dont know how" but i had no idea how to translate it + google translate and word reference were not helping, so i had to change it in order to not put a whole ass explanation in the middle of the lyrics. the original text is something along the lines of "we have to leave and i dont know where to leave through"
- i actually don't really know what abide means or if i used the word correctly, i did that part with google translate because i genuinely had no idea how to translate "no acato límites"
not yet :P
extra information:
- the "secret" chorus we hear near the end is from the next song in this album, called "Yegua". the connection between both songs is done in such a smooth and cohesive way that, having no interruptions or pauses, it is not noticible at all. the little "wait, this is not the same song" moment on my first time listening to the album was honestly mind blowing, i highly recommend you to do it yourself.
- in case that last part wasn't enough, there is actually a second seamless connection that takes us to the song "Un flash". i might do an article on that song in the future.
- i originally wrote this translation and analysis back in 2023 and posted it on my tumblr blog. do NOT look it up. i may in the future [when i finish the new version of the analysis] link it here, only to make the newer version look better, to show how i've improved in.. using my brain and maybe to publicly shame myself a little bit